Tuesday, February 3, 2009

10 Words to Describe Me

Friend- Being a good friend is really important to me. I love all my friends and I spend a lot of time with them. I think that having meaningful friendships is the most important thing in the world.

Redhead- I know this is a silly word to describe myself with but my whole life I have been a natural redhead. It is something that always seems to have defined me. Sometimes I have loving red hair because it is rare and other times I wished I had been born with brown hair so it wouldn’t stand out as much.

Curious- I have always been a curious person and have always wanted to know what is going on around me. If something interests me I find myself asking several questions about it so that I know more. If there is something I don’t know it’s constantly on my mind until I do.

Silly- I love to have fun and I love making others laugh. Someone once said “Laughter makes the world go round” and I have to agree. I love to smile and act like a goofball and just have fun.

Student- I think of myself as a student because I really care about how I do in school. I also plan to go to grad school to get my masters degree and then maybe one day my doctorates. So I feel like I am going to be a student for most of my life but I love learning about the things I am interested in.

Extrovert- I am really outspoken and always speak my mind. I also like to think that I am overall a friendly person. I like meeting new people and I love having other people around me.

Planner- I am always making plans and trying to tie up loose ends. Whenever I have a lot of things on my plate or if something major is coming up I always make plans on how to accomplish the tasks in front of me. Sometimes it is as simple as I plan when to do my laundry and other times it’s a lot more detailed.

Clumsy- I have always been a clumsy person and am constantly getting hurt. When I was younger I was a lot worse and always had a sprained ankle or something. I fall over a lot or bump into things. I usually just laugh it off though and I haven’t broken many bones in my life so it’s all good.

Book worm- I love to read and always have even when I was little I loved listening to other people read to me. Every night before I go to bed I always have my nose in a book and I own hundreds, this is not an exaggeration. I don’t often read anything of significance though, usually just light fun books.

Laid back- For the most part I like to think that I am pretty relaxed. Not much bothers me and if things do not work out the way I intended or wanted them to I usually just let it go.


  1. I am definitely a planner too! During the school year I write down every assignment and decide when I will be doing them, it really helps me organize everything I have to do! I also love to reader, I read a lot of fantasy because I like to read fun books during my free time.

  2. I am also a very curious person. I always like to know what is going on and who someone is and what not. As for planning, I am not so good at that, unless its for a night out, then I usually come up with the details :)
